A series of folios presenting design research by staff at The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
High Street Regeneration : Jan Kattein Architects;
High Street Regeneration
by Jan Kattein Architects

Communities often perceive regeneration as a divisive process with architects and urban designers considered co-offenders in a process leading to displacement, social cleansing and fragmentation. Conversely, Jan Kattein Architects’ High Street Regeneration aims to introduce a different approach that combines urban and architectural design, conservation, placemaking and engagement processes. This integrated approach combines the needs of small businesses, local communities and public authorities in one single project. An open, inclusive and iterative design process unites stakeholders under a common vision.

The place-based and research-led process led the team to create innovative design and policy guidance to enable high streets to transform and adapt to changing economic realities, renewing the viability of these vital civic spaces; design-led investment prioritisation, budgeting and procurement ‘score’ strategies; and interactive online tools to help non-designers engage with the design of their premises and the planning process.

At the time of writing, Jan Kattein Architects has delivered over 20 physical improvement programmes and 16 strategic regeneration documents for town centres in London and South East England.