A series of folios presenting design research by staff at The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
TransDisciplinary PostDigital FrAgility : REX|LAB; Marjan Colletti;
TransDisciplinary PostDigital FrAgility
by REX|LAB and Marjan Colletti

This research project is comprised of a series of 13 transdisciplinary investigations into the agility and fragility of postdigital design. The postdigital is not an anti-digital movement but demarcates an evolution of digital design and theory that postulates hybridity and plurality rather than standardisation and singularity. The prototypes that constitute this research were developed as 1:1 proofs of concept of the potential of making robotic fabrication more dexterous and varied by inventing novel aesthetics, materials, software and bespoke end effectors. As the research progressed, the material palette changed from polymers and concrete to biodegradable clay, soil and mycelium.

The series has brought together skill sets from various branches of industry, other disciplines and crafts to achieve untested transdisciplinary synergies between the artificial and natural and the technological and environmental, to move towards a hybrid ecology. The research on concrete 3D printing resulted in the development of a software-hardware-material package, the Baumit BauMinator®. It also generated the formation of a spin-off company in Austria, incremental3D. Software packages were developed that are now utilised by international institutions, as was specific hardware to adapt existing industry solutions to the specificities of 3D extrusion by robotic arms.