A series of folios presenting design research by staff at The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
Agropolis : mam;
by mam

Agropolis is a design research project for a self-sufficient city in Khataba (Al Jadida), Egypt, that responds to an invited competition by Institut d'Arquitectura Avançada de Catalunya. It examines the rapid increase in peripheral and unsustainable satellite developments of the Nile Delta and aims to redirect the uncontrolled urban sprawl into new agro-urban settlements that grow in accordance with local farming activity.

Khataba (Al Jadida) is the first of these settlements, designed as a semi-urban and semi-agricultural self-sufficient environment – an Agropolis, with a self-sufficient transport infrastructures, sustainable use of resources, food and energy production. Its morphology is developed out of pivot irrigation technology, and has a zero carbon footprint. Waste products, including sewage, household garbage, energy are recycled. Liquid waste is processed and used to support local irrigation. Electricity produced by solar panels is integrated into the buildings' skins, lining roofs and walls, and the irrigation system.